-10 years later...-
Monday, August 5, 2019


I can’t believe that I can still log into my blog 10 years later!

The reason I wanna blog today is because a phonecall.

Before I start my story for today, a short summary of myself in the past 10 years.

1st April 2010, I’ve joined Cambridge Childcare @ Admiral Hill as a teacher. Working life isn’t a bed of roses, I’ve had my fair share of hardship and fun.

26th December 2010, I’ve got married to the love of my life.

April 2011 - we collected the keys to our nest

August 2011 - I’ve delivered a little princess named Celeste, her name originated from our wedding bands which was the Celestial diamond series from Goldheart jewellery

December 2014 - I’ve had a miscarriage

February 2016 - I’ve delivered to another princess name Cerene, her name originated from “Serenity” which I hoped that she would be more tamed and demure (which she wasn’t when she was in my tummy)

May 2016 - my boss from Cambridge came to tell me about her future plans for my career path and then shortly after I returned to work from maternity leave, we realised that she had sold us to another company.

Plans, dreams all shattered. At that point in time, I was thinking of tendering my resignation, but Celeste was already in K1, I wouldn’t like to transfer her out of school. So, tahan for 1.5 more years la!

Came 2017, and I am starting to sort out and plan my future, hubby and I went to Bangkok where I prayed to the famous four faced Buddha, asking for blessings to get either a promotion or a better job offer. 1 month later my new bosses spoke to me about my promotion.

Then December 2017, I delivered my little prince Zac. No meanings for his name, but just liked the sound of it.

I am here now, is because as a principal, we receive phonecall enquiries regarding childcare, infant care etc.

Today, 5th August 2019, I’ve received a phonecall from a lady who sounded so stressed. Her baby is only 3 weeks old and she is thinking to put him in infant care already. She mentioned that her baby wakes up every 2 hour to feed, and she could not rest at all.

I have always been grateful to my mother in law who took such good care of me and my kids especially during confinement. She imparted me with so many advices and suggestions, I in turn imparted to this new mummy.

While I am typing this, I just dropped her a message to check on her. Seems like what o suggested to her really helped her. And I am so glad that I spent time talking to her.

9:16 PM

Jigoku Shoujo

I receives request for vengeance
through this website which can only be accessed
at exactly midnight and only
by those who truly wants revenge.

My name is Rinna Seah
Born on 3rd December 1986


My Ohana
Panda Koh
Par Par
Little Twin Stars
Suncake from Taiwan
白色恋人chocolates from Japan
Japanese Cuisine
Thai Cuisine
Katong Laksa

Before Revenge

New Baby-G Watch
Sony Ericsson Idou
To travel
Hong Kong

My Assistants

Hone Onna
Ichimoku Ren
Bryan Wong
Gek Ling


My Dream Wedding
Renovation Talk
Miss Fashion

Contracts signed

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
August 2019

The Contents

Thanks to

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Image - X
Hoster - Photobucket
Brushes - All brushes creator
Softwares - Photoshop CS3